Join CleverLingua and get started.
We love languages and we love to teach. You will learn German in a relaxed atmosphere over a cup of coffee or tea. At CleverLingua you will learn German effectively in a small group of no more than six participants.
We will do our best to fit your needs and match your interests.
We want to make sure that learning German is fun and interesting for you. At CleverLingua you can:
Course details
Participants: 4-6
Trainings take place at CleverLingua in Rösrath.
Course fee: 300,00 (20 lessons)
Dates: We meet once a week. Each training is 90 minutes. Dates to be determined according to your schedule.
Sie haben Interesse oder Fragen zu einem Kleingruppen-Training in Englisch von CleverLingua?
Nehmen Sie mit uns über Telefon oder das Formular Kontakt auf, wir beraten Sie gerne persönlich.
02246. 301 800